CM Mission of Papua New Guinea: Presence and Hopes

January 27, 2007

Superior General in Papua New Guinea

Perhaps we sons of Saint Vincent are the last missionary group to arrive in this remote and difficult terrain. But the work here is immense and the reality offers specific and impelling challenges that go the heart of our Vincentian identity and vocation: on the one hand, the extreme poverty; on the other, the scarcity of native clergy and a great many vocations waiting to be cultivated. After an urgent petition from the Bishops’ Conference to the Congregation of the Mission, three Vincentian missionaries have been offering their services for the past six years in the formation of native clergy in the interdiocesan Holy Spirit Seminary. The breadth and the pressing needs of the work call for more presence on our part here, as our Father General, Gregory Gay, saw for himself during his visit to this mission during the first part of September of this year 2006.

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