All Saints - Frederic: A Saint for All Times

October 31, 2006

SYDNEY, October 29, 2006 ( John O’Neill, NSW/ACT state president of the St Vincent de Paul Society, writes … With the advent of All Saints Day on Wednesday, November 1, a day instituted to honour all the saints, known and unknown, I thought it would be a good opportunity to take time to remember the good work of St Vincent de PaulOn this special day, the members and supporters of the St Vincent de Paul Society will also remember Blessed Frederic Ozanam, who made real the words of the Lord’s Prayer, “Thy Kingdom come” and built a Society that would span countries and oceans to serve Gods poor with love, compassion and dignity. Frederic Ozanam’s love for “the least of God’s children” was all consuming and delivered without judgement.

He was well known in the slums of Paris, where he shared his personal means and those of fellow members of the Society of St Vincent De Paul in order to relieve pain and suffering.

Full story and source

Editor’s note: It not often recognized by many that Frederic, 50 years before Reurum Novarum, called for a “natural wage” that would even provide for retirement rather than mere subsistence.

Also little known is the fact that it was an SVDP member who served as technical consultant to Leo in the writing of Reum Novarum. (See earlier famvin post)

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