Live Simply

October 18, 2006

Maureen Tinkler, DC writes… A new initiative is being launched this Advent by CAFOD in collaboration with PROGRESSIO (formerly CIIR) called THE LIVESIMPLY PROJECT. It is a good thing for the Vincentian Family to belong to and the Daughters of Charity have kindly paid the membership fee for the VMP to become a member of the livesimply network.
What’s it about?

The livesimply project is based on a radical idea: that God calls us to live simply.
We are asked to look hard at our lifestyles, and to choose to live simply, sustainably and in solidarity with the poor.

It’s not just about money. It’s a challenge to reflect, celebrate and take action in order to work for justice, and to be happier in ourselves as a result. It’s about seeking what we need rather than grasping for more, sharing not hoarding.”You are not making a gift of what is yours to the poor, but you are giving them back what is theirs… The earth belongs to everyone, not to the rich.” St Ambrose

How did it start?

The idea for livesimply comes from a prophetic document, written by Pope Paul VI. “On the Development of Peoples” (Populorum Progressio) explains what the Church was saying about the growing poverty and injustice of the developing world. Written in 1967, the messages are still loud and clear, as anyone who took part in last year’s MAKEPOVERTYHISTORY campaign will know: “God intended the earth and everything in it for the use of all human beings and peoples.”

It’s a call for us to live a new kind of life, in solidarity with the community, motivated by faith.

Resources & Events

If you click on the link below you can learn more about it and discover the events happening near you. There’s also rsources & materials for Advent.

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