September Newsletter JMV

October 13, 2006

The international Newsletter of the JMV for September is available.This issue begins with a reflection by one of its internatioanl leaders.

Charity, soul of our Vicentian Charisma

<> (Mt 25,40). Each time we listen to this passage so beloved by St. Vincent, we instantly think in the Charity demand. As Vicentian we know how important the charity is, however, is always good to stand still thinking and evaluating the way we live it. The Pope Benedict XVI’s first Encyclical (“Deus caritas est”) has invited us to do it. Referring to God’s love, St. Vincent told a dying brother that “charity is creative until infinite”. These words are an invitation to discover the best way to live charity in every single situation. It’s without a doubt one of the challenges that as vicentian we have: being creative, inventive and imaginative in the charity practice following St. Vincent’s example.

Because of that, it’s so important for us to go to love’s source. In his Encyclical, Benedict XVI makes us remember that charity finds its reason in God’s love: “For this is how God loved the world: he gave his only son, so that every one who believes in him may not perish but may have eternal life” (Jn, 3, 16).

The most beautiful thing is that when He created us in the image of himself, God wants us to be a reflex of his love, because of that He gave his son to reveal us this wonder. The world is thirsty of this love, it cannot live without it. All wars and violence we see in our daily life have their origin in human selfishness and arrogance, in the love absence. Only if we are love carriers and charity apostles, we’ll be able to give his real face to the world. There is a long way to follow.

The latest times are not the problem but the loveless hearts. We need to change to be genuine charity witnesses. This charity that St. Paul describes beautifully, talking to Corinthians: “It is always ready to make allowances, to trust, to hope and to endure whatever comes”. (1 Co. 13,7). As the Pope Paul VI wrote: “The modern human beings listen more comfortably to those who give testimony than to those that teach, or if they listen to the teachers, is because they give testimony”(EN.41).

For sure it is not easy to put on practice all this things in our daily life. Charity is a constant fight, but is the best of the fights, because the victory takes us to life, development and peace. This is the Cross wisdom. The word cannot understand it, it’s a scandal to the people, and it is madness. But is the way to reach happiness.
Dear VMY: walk the hard but certain charity way. Work together fighting against de selfishness, open ourselves to our fellow beings, specially with Those Most Needy. Built together a fair and charitable world, following our elder brothers and sisters’ example: Vincent, Louise, Catherine, Rosalie and Frederick… Be charity and justice sources, staying constantly united to the real source: Jesus Christ. May the Virgin of the Miraculous medal guide us to the genuine source!

Voahanginirina François de Paul Ravazaha

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