SVDP USA Offers Weekfly Reflections for Meetings

August 27, 2006

The National Office of the SVDP offers a series of weekly reflections designed for use in meetings during the last quarter of 2006.St. Vincent de Paul never wrote a book about his spiritual
teachings. But we find the living voice of the saint in his
letters and conferences in which he trained his followers
for the mission of service to the poor.

The two fundamental sources of his teaching are the GOSPEL
and LIFE. He wanted his followers to put the whole of the
Gospel into the whole of their lives, and he never wearied of
deepening both with all the faith that God had put into his heart.

That is why all that Vincent says to us has the simplicity of our
everyday life and the penetrating strength of the Word of God.

The Vincentian Weekly Reflections are therefore offered to all
who strive to serve the poor in the spirit of St. Vincent de Paul.

The prayer and reflections are based on the Sunday Gospel of the
Liturgical Calendar, together with the feast days of some of the
saints of our Vincentian Family. Each reflection offers a time
for prayer, silence and discussion so that our everday life,
like Vincent, can become penetrated with the strength of the
Word of God.

Reflections for Weekly Meetings

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