International SSVDP Appeals for Funds for Lebanon

August 10, 2006

The International President writes…Once more, the disaster of war is fiercely hitting our brothers in Middle East.

First of all, and even though I know you are already doing so, I beg you to pray for a rapid end of the conflict and that there shall not be any more innocent victims.As usual, Council General is opening the corresponding subscription to all Councils and Conferences in the world in order to help the Conferences of the area as soon as the conflict comes to an end. In this mission, we will be particularly closet o what the Council of France does, as it has a special knowledge of the zone, and a lot of twinned Conferences, especially in Lebanon.

Insisting on the necessity of prayer, with affection and fraternal regards,

José-Ramón Díaz-Torremocha
XIV President General

Société de St. Vincent de Paul
Conseil Général International
6, rue de Londresbr>
75009 Paris, FRANCE

Or by T/T transfer:

Banque CIC- Paris Bac
2 Bd Raspail
75007 Paris, FRANCE

Account no. FR76 3006 6100 4100 0105 8120 129
“Disaster fund”

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