The CM and the DC in Lebanon

July 29, 2006

The Superior General of the CM and the DC has given permission for the following email to be posted.I just got off the phone with Fr. Antoine Pierre Nakad, the director of the Daughters of Charity for the Middle East.

I chose to call him because he speaks English and he could give me a reading of the situation from the perspective of the CM’s and the DC’s.

He said their spirits are good and that the houses of the CM’s and DC’s are giving direct service to many refugees…many Philipinos, as you already know. He thinks they are housing close to a 1000 refugees.

They have no particular material needs at this time (something which surprised me) but I asked him to maintain contact whenever needs arise.

On behalf of the Congregation of the Mission I expressed our prayers and solidarity with them – the confreres, the Daughters, other members of the Vincentian family and above all the poor, suffering and homeless refugees.

He promised to contact both the Visitor and the Visitatrix to convey our solidarity.

It was an very emocional few moments. Juan Carlos spoke to him first and could not hold back the tears…neither could I.

God cover them with love and care. Let us all pray and work for peace. It is the only way. It is Jesus’s way.

Your brother in St. Vincent Depaul,


Editorial note: For more detail on the role of the CM in the sheltering of Philipinos see the hundreds of stories found in a Google Search

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