CMAFRICA - New Website

July 13, 2006

The website of the Midwestern and Southern Provinces of the Congregation of the Mission have added two valuable links. One is to the website of the Province of Kenya and other is to DeAndreis-Rosati Memorial ArchivesRay Van Dorp writes, “I am writing to point out a couple additions to our province website,
On the home page, you will notice two new buttons on the vertical list. One
is to a website developed by Ron Hoye for our Kenya mission. It is called
CM Africa, and gives you a thumbnail sketch of what our mission in Kenya
is about. It will also be used for vocation work by George Busieka and
others. Take a look!

The second new button is marked Archives which has two dropdown links to
information about our archives at DePaul University. The first is to the
DeAndreis-Rosati Memorial Archives, and the second is to the Vincentian
Academic Archives (What DID Jack Bagen give me in Metaphysics?). If you or
someone you know have questions about Vincentian history, or if someone
needs transcripts from one of our closed seminaries, then this is the place
to start.

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