Pontiff Cites Blessed Frassati (SVDP) as Model for Youth

July 5, 2006

VATICAN CITY, JULY 5, 2006 (Zenit.org).- Benedict XVI today presented to young people, the sick and newlyweds, the model of life of Blessed Piergiorgio Frassati, a young student and athlete who died at 24.
Recalling that the Church celebrated his liturgical memorial on Tuesday, the Holy Father addressed young people in particular at the end of the general audience, to acquaint them with this model.

“May his example of fidelity to Christ arouse in you, dear young people, objectives of courageous evangelical witness,” he said.

Then, seeing the sick present, some in wheelchairs in the first rows in St. Peter’s Square, Benedict XVI hoped that Frassati would help them “to offer their daily sufferings so that the civilization of love is realized in the world.”

Finally, he wished that the young Blessed will support the newlyweds — some arrived in their wedding attire — “in the commitment to base your families on profound union with God.”

Piergiorgio Frassati (1901-1925), a member of Catholic Action and a native of Turin, was beatified in May 1990.


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