Vatican Describes AIC

May 23, 2006

VATICAN CITY, MAY 22, 2006 ( Here is the description of International Association of Charities which appears in the Directory of International Associations of the Faithful, published by the Pontifical Council for the Laity.
Official name: International Association of Charities

Acronym: AIC (Association Internationale des Charites)

Established: 1971

History: The AIC dates back to 1617, the year in which St. Vincent de Paul gathered together a group of women at Châtillion-lesDombes, France, creating the first attempts to provide assistance to the needy families in the parish.

It was from this experience that a number of different groups were created, and rapidly spread throughout Europe and beyond. In order to encourage the unity of these groups called “Confraternities of the Ladies of Charity,” later to be known as “Charities,” the founder laid down common rules based on the imitation of Jesus Christ, boundless Gospel-based love, organizing activities, creativity, all designed to find ever new means of assisting the poor.

Even though the Charities work completely independently in their respective countries, they are very closely linked by the common heritage of the Vincentian spirit. It was precisely this bond that led them to enthusiastically welcome the proposal to set up a federation to gather together the national movements: This was done in 1971 with the founding of the International Association of Charities.

It was recognized by the Holy See as a Catholic International Organization, and is a member of the Conference of International Catholic Organizations (ICOs).

In its capacity as an NGO, it has consultative status with ECOSOC and the Council of Europe, and has working relations with UNESCO.

Identity: AIC is concerned with different forms of poverty and marginalization, and its work is based on the social teaching of the Church, under the motto “combat poverty working together.” The operational guidelines of the association are set out in a basic document agreed internationally, committing it to be present in three dimensions of charity: through individual work, collective action, and action on structures.

The interpersonal dimension of charity, community action and political action are therefore experienced in the light of the Gospel. The basic and specific feature of the Vincentian “style” is the personal meeting with the poor in their own homes and environments, which demands serious and continuing formation, based on and nurtured by a relationship with Christ and witness of life.

The AIC volunteers do not merely meet the physical needs of the poor, for they also accompany them spiritually and help them to recover their dignity, hope, self-confidence, and to be re-incorporated into society.

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