An Example of Vincentian Advocay

May 3, 2006

Sr. Maureen Tinkler, DC invites members of the Vincentian Family in Britain to add a Christian Vincentian perspective to the debate in the House of Lords over an assisted dying bill.Dear Members of the Vincentian Family,

If you click on the first link below you can find 14 draft letters opposing the Joffe Bill. The Second Reading of this bill takes place in the House of Lords on 12th May 2006.

It is important to write to members of the House of Lords. If you click on the second link you can see all the Lords who have spoken on this topic & what they said. You can write to them on line.

We are busy people but if we took half an hour today to send our views to at least one member of the House of Lords it would add a Vincentian Christian perspective to this important debate.

Every blessing,
Sr Maureen Tinkler DC


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