Letter of SSVDP USA to US Senators on Comprehensive Immigration Reform

April 14, 2006

In an urgent letter to US Senators asking that they support comprehensive immigration reform National President Joseph Flannigan states:
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul joins Catholic Charities, the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops and other faith-based organizations in urging you to support comprehensive immigration reform as found in the Secure America and Orderly Immigration Act (S. 1033) introduced by Senators McCain and Kennedy including:

·Measures addressing the undocumented population now living and working in the U.S.
including an opportunity to earn legal residency and citizenship.

· A guest worker program that is safe, orderly and secure and meets growing labor needs.
· Facilitation of family reunification.
· Allow undocumented students to complete higher education paying in-state tuition.
· Enforcement strategies that are effective and uphold human dignity.
· U.S and international policies that encourage populations to stay and work in their home countries.

See also his January 23 letter to SVDP members.


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