Canonisation of Father Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga - former member of the SVDP

February 7, 2006

He was a member of the Society of Saint-Vincent de Paul when a law student and admired the intellectual dimension and active charity of Frederic Ozanam.

After his beatification in Rome by Pope Jean-Paul II on 16 October 1994, the canonization of Father Alberto Hurtado Cruchaga (1901-1952) followed on 23 October 2005.

This Jesuit priest was both a college and university professor and spiritual director for many young people. He undertook significant charitable work which is known as the “Hogar del Cristo” in that he sheltered street children by opening several houses both for them and for those without a home.

His canonization is a joy for the Jesuit family and for his own, among whom there are Vincentians. Father Hurtado is already venerated in his own country: but his renown is also widespread well beyond the borders of Chile.


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