The Gospel

January 8, 2006

SYDNEY, January 8, 2005 ( Churches are jumping on the technology bandwagon and parishioners can download sermons to go alongside their favourite tracks on their iPods or MP3 players and meditate on the word of God on the way to school or work, in the bus or while going for a jog., the website of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney, has embraced the new technology as a way to spread the message to as many of the faithful as possible.

Through the website visitors can download a host of sermons from different parishes or organisations in the diocese or meditations or preachings on various topics, including the Archbishop’s Christmas message, Dean Jensen’s Men’s Sexuality Seminar, Bishop Rob Forsyth’s address Continue To Walk In Christ, a preaching on The Judgement Of God and another on The Seven Deadly Sins.

Sidney MOrning Herald

Thanks to Tim Williams CM for this tip.

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