SVDP USA President To Be Interviewed on EWTV Jan. 4

December 29, 2005

One of EWTN’s favorite hosts, Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ, will interview SVdP President Joseph D. Flannigan LIVE on January 4, 2006 at 8 PM Eastern Time
This is a great opportunity for an invigorating Vincentian get-together. Invite other Members and prospective members to watch the live broadcast with you. Record the program and watch it at your regular Conference meeting. Encourage all your friends and relatives to watch, too, and learn more about the Society.

Be sure to make and keep a copy of the program. It will be an excellent tool for promoting the Society and recruiting new members.

Don’t miss this special EWTN broadcast!

Bob Duplantier, Director
Membership & Technology Services
Society of St. Vincent de Paul
Council of the United States
58 Progress Parkway
St. Louis, Missouri 63043
(314) 576-3993, extension 203

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