Travel Agents Challenged to Give Back - Srs. of Charity Benefit

December 27, 2005

World Travel Professionals, one of Australia’s most innovative travel management companies, has issued a Christmas challenge to the travel industry to give back to the community rather than giving presents this year. – Sisters of Charity in Sri Lanka benefit with a significant donation.
Inspired by the recent efforts of colleague Shona Slade, who travelled extensively throughout Sri Lanka visiting orphanages and refugee camps whilst distributing gifts donated by Travelscene American Express colleagues, WTP is putting good intentions to work.

“I was sitting in a meeting with our sales and management team discussing corporate gifts for our clients and thought, this is madness!” WTP Director, Lisa Story said.

“Here we were deliberating over what to buy when it became really obvious that there was definitely a much better path to follow. We’re so very proud of Shona using her holiday time to launch the Sri Lankan campaign, that we unanimously decided to support her efforts.”

“Last week we provided the Sisters of Charity in Sri Lanka with a significant donation. They will use the funds to provide positive support for disadvantaged children in Columbo and the refugees in the Southern Provinces who were affected by the Tsunami.”

The Sisters of Charity will use the donation to purchase some basic essentials plus sewing machines, cloth and bicycles to launch work programs and generate employment opportunities for this devasted community.

“We also wanted to make a difference locally so we have also donated a large amount to the Kids Help Line, Australia’s only free confidential and anonymous telephone and online counselling service for 5 – 18 year olds.” Lisa said. “This service takes up to 10,000 calls from kids all over Australia each week. Sadly many calls go unanswered and WTP are pleased that our donation can assist in having some of these kids’ calls heard.”

WTP have a philosophy of giving back to the community, with local organisations like the Starlight and Make A Wish Foundation. With our interests in Bali and Indonesia, support is given on many levels to assist communities affected by recent incidents as well as ongoing contributions to World Vision in Africa.

“WTP hope that others in the travel industry will follow their lead and give generously this year,” Lisa said.



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