Vinnies (Australia) Outreach to Young Adults

December 21, 2005

SYDNEY, December 14, 2005 ( Young Vinnies gets a mention in OnlineCatholics today as one of those groups providing scope for faith committed young people – ” …….. Sydney Archdiocesan Youth Ministry Coordinator, Lyndon Cox, says although the number of young people involved with the church may be down historically, those who are involved are passionate about expressing their faith…… The Youth and Young Adult Coordinator with Vinnies for Youth in NSW, Lisa Bright, says it’s important to offer variety to young people. “Different people are at different stages of their faith journey and they’ll get involved in different activities. There’s a big split – some are quite open to anything. Others are going towards traditional veneration formalised prayer in huge numbers,” Mrs Bright of Vinnies for Youth says. Both Mr Cox and Mrs Bright acknowledge there is tension between outward–focussed social justice type activities, and inward-focussed traditional ‘veneration’ activities. This tension is a reflection of the wider Church, not some kind of aberration. … ” READ FURTHER (Subscription required)

Courtesy of Tim Williams at

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