0 Laptops Closer to Delivery

December 15, 2005

One Laptop Per Child said trials of the notebook are planned for China,
India, Brazil, Argentina, Egypt, Nigeria, and Thailand, with 1 million
notebooks to be shipped to each of these countries.This was just posted to Yahoo’s homepage…. -andy

MIT Picks Maker of $100 Laptop

Taiwan’s Quanta, the world’s largest maker of notebook computers, will
manufacture an ultra-low-cost laptop developed by Nicholas Negroponte,
the chairman of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Media Lab.
Negroponte, who is also chairman of the One Laptop Per Child non-profit
group, has said he expects the laptops to be available to governments
next year at a price of $100 each. A prototype of the laptop was
unveiled at the recent U.N.-sponsored World Summit on the Information
Society (WSIS) in Tunis.

Under terms of an agreement with One Laptop Per Child, Quanta will
devote engineering resources to develop the $100 notebook design during
the first half of the year, according to a statement issued by the
group. At the same time, Quanta and the non-profit organization will
explore the production of a commercial version of the laptop. One Laptop
Per Child did not immediately respond to an e-mail request for
additional information.

One Laptop Per Child said trials of the notebook are planned for China,
India, Brazil, Argentina, Egypt, Nigeria, and Thailand, with 1 million
notebooks to be shipped to each of these countries. [Massachusetts has
also placed an order – ac] In addition, the group expects “an additional
modest allocation” of the notebooks to be shipped to developers in other



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