Voice of the Poor - SVDP Letter Recorded On Capitol Hill

November 22, 2005

A SVDP letter from National President Joseph Flannigan was entered into the Congressional Record by Representative Barney Frank (Massachusetts) on November 8. Representative Frank referred to the letter on the Housing Trust Fund in his address to the House of Representatives. Representative Frank referred to the letter on the Housing Trust Fund in his address to the House of Representatives. Saying, “ It is that radical [toungue in cheek?]group known as the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, a set of groups in local communities that, to quote them, “pray at each meeting that families and those who have no home quickly may find a place in which they can live a decent and happy life…”

For more of Representative Frank’s remarks on the Society, President Flannigan’s letter, and a link to the Congressional Record go to:

Other additions to the Voice of the Poor website:

VOP November happenings: http://www.voiceofthepoor.org/legislative_updates.htm

Catholic Social Gathering registration information and information packet (Washington, DC February 2006): http://www.voiceofthepoor.org/poverty_news.htm (Note: Be sure to register before December 30 to take advantage of early registration rates!)

Also found at this location is a link to the National Vincentian Family Gathering (Vincentians in Solidarity), April 2006.


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