Sr. Rose Muyinza, DC Among Outstanding Women in Uganda

October 31, 2005

PEOPLE who have had a role in the development of society should be recognised while alive, Cardinal Emmanuel Wamala said on Saturday of Sr. Rose Muyinza of the Daughters of Charity.
Speaking as chief guest at the Lubaga Cathedral National Foundation Catholic Honoree Awards dinner for 2005, at the Sheraton Kampala Hotel, Wamala said, �It�s useless to heap praises on someone who is dead. People should be recognised when still alive, and that�s why we are here tonight.�
The event, the first of its kind, that will be held annually, recognises Catholic women who have played a significant role in the development of society and those who have acted as role models.

Wamala, who was in a jovial mood, said, �I am glad that these great Catholic women are finally recognised for their roles. The church has been instrumental in shaping them.�

He gave out the glass-shaped Catholic Women Honoree awards to 15 prominent Catholic women amid ululation.

Pearl of Africa Music Awards (PAM) gospel artiste winner, Fr. Anthony Musaala, kept the guest on their toes with his dance.

Deputy Chief Justice Laetitia Mary Mukasa Kikonyogo, gender minister Zoe Bakoko Bakoru, education minister Namirembe Bitamazire, Prof. Mary Okwakol, Justice Mary Damali Engena Maitum, Tereza Kabahita Mbire, Sr. Rachele Fassera of Aboke Girls School, Dr. Noerine Kaleeba, the Rev. Sr. Rose Muyinza of the Daughters of Charity and Prof. Josephine Namboze, the first woman doctor in Uganda, were among the winners.

The brain behind the prestigious non-cash award, investment minister Prof. Semakula Kiwanuka said, �I conceived the idea while still ambassador in New York.
People, especially women, who help shape society, should be recognised.�

�We shall also recognise men eventually,� he said.


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  1. mosel

    am only thank full for she made me what i am today its too bad that her conditions are not that impressing but am happy that she is still living.longlive sr Rose muyinza

  2. Cathy

    Every other day I thank God for the gift of Rev.Sr.Rose Muyinza.
    She has made me what I’m today.
    May the good Lord bless her abundarntly.
    Longlive Sr.Rose.

    I love you so much.

  3. Nathan

    am one of those above in one way or the other and i know sister will never leave my heart even if she is gone now..
    she set an example that everyone needs to learn from. God be with her always

  4. Gordon Nicol

    Sister Rose was such an inspiration to all.
    I met her in 2000 when I went to Uganda to record the Children of Uganda. Then I met her again in 2004 when she was bed-ridden after a bout of cerebral malaria. She touched so many lives in a very profound way and was definitely one of those on loan from above, sent here to bless so many.

    I have created a video which can be viewed on Youtube at: