Natural Disaster in Central America and in the south of Mexico

October 9, 2005

With more than 233 deaths and almost 100.000 evacuated people that were assisted in 500 hostels established in Guatemala, El Salvador, and in the south state of México, Chiapas. In many of these places the church has played an important role in giving help to the most vulnerable groups.Now, the sun rays have appeared slightly after 5 days of dense raining.

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Tapachula Chiapas, México got in isolation with no communication because the bridges that connect with the others cities or states and also with Guatemala collapsed then, Tapachula stated converted in a small island; there, more than one thousand houses from 35 different residential places got lost; all of this in the state of Chiapas.

From Guatemala it is informed that a killed more than 40 people, this of course raised the number of victims to 126 death people in Guatemala.

In El Salvador people have lived the tragedy with intensity, together with Ilamatepec volcanic eruption in the western city of Santa Ana.

All of these events will place to the region in a catastrophe situation declared in that way for the governments of the three affected countries whose governments didn’t have the capability to face it effectively. It really caused struggles.
The Catholic Church, and other Christian churches, as usual reacted immediately by giving assistance to people in the hostels and also giving food, cloth, and medicines.

The Benedict XVI Saint Poppa has already sent his solidarity message and also his blessing for the people’s calamity:

Because of this, we ask your solidarity, praying to the Lord and sending the help or cooperation via the same Vincent Family Branches.


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