Justice Alert from Daughters of Charity

October 7, 2005

Nutrition Advocates, among them, Bread for the World, Catholic Relief Services, and Network, have launched urgent pleas for your involvement to help secure and save valuable funding for several threatened nutrition programs funded at the Federal level.The Senate plans to have the Agriculture Appropriations Bill, which includes funding for vital nutrition programs, (food stamps, school lunches and breakfast, food programs for the elderly and handicapped, as well as global food aid programs) finished by October 26th. The House date has not been made public.

We have been assured by The Food Action and Research Center in Washington, DC, that persistence pays off !


• Phone, Fax, E-mail your Senate and House members AGAIN

• Tell them that they need to fund Title II in the 2006 Agriculture Appropriations bill (H.R. 2744) adequately.


• You believe it is morally wrong to cut nutrition programs when hunger is on the rise in our country. Before Hurricane Katrina left hundreds of thousands displaced and with no resources, there were more than 36 million people, including 13 million children struggling to put food on the table.

• Political leadership is needed to keep our nutritional programs strong.

• National nutrition programs are the fastest, most direct way to prevent hunger.

Urge your co-workers, family members and friends to join you in this effort to give Congress the message that we want to end hunger in the U.S.

Go to: Bread for the World NetwordCRS.org


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