Ladies of Charity Report from Mary Beth O'Brien (President LCUSA)

September 3, 2005

Mary Beth O’Brien writes…I have tried to reach the New Orleans President, Andrina Kappesser and cannot get through. Father Harold Dicharry, CM and Sr. Marion Brett, DC work with the New Orleans Ladies and I have not been able to reach them either. It must be horrific. Margaret Kelly from Memphis has a brother that is a priest in New Orleans and her mom is also from there. They are safe but they reported things are devestating.She continues… We are grand -parents twice in three weeks.

Youngest daughter and son-in-law just had a little boy. She went into the hospital a week ago today and she was at risk. The Dr. could not hear the baby’s heart beat and daughter had an infection. Dr’s treated the infection for three days at the hospital and still the baby’s heart beat was up and down, racing one minute and other times they could hardly hear it. Wednesday, the Dr. decided it would be safer to take the baby. Turns out the baby was wrapped twice in his cord and if she went full term the baby probably would not have done so well. He is a healthy baby boy named Frank.

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