Celebrate Homelessness with the SVDP (Australia)

August 25, 2005

Homeless Persons� Week raises public awareness of Sydney�s homeless and provides homeless people with the opportunity to re-engage within the community.

On Monday, August 8, RecLink launched Homeless Persons� Week at Rushcutters Bay Park.
Homeless Persons� Week is an initiative of RecLink, a network of inner city welfare agencies, including the St Vincent de Paul Society, the Wesley Mission, Salvation Army, the Station Inc, Baptist Inner City Ministries, Paddington Uniting Church and St John�s Darlinghurst. The week raises public awareness of Sydney�s homeless and provides homeless people with the opportunity to re-engage within the community.

It provides the homeless people with a chance to participate in a wide range of activities they may not normally be able to indulge in.
These activities include: art, sport, games, music and theatre performances, a film screening, a Harbour cruise and a trip to the Sydney Aquarium.

These are all activities and pleasures many of us take for granted. Participating in them enables homeless people to build their self-esteem, creativity, confidence and social skills beginning to bring them back into the community and helping them on the road to independent living, employment and fulfilling lives.

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