800,000 Children Face Death from Hunger in Niger

August 9, 2005

Officials estimate 2.5 to 3.6 million people in Niger may go hungry. At risk are an estimated 800,000 children under age five, including more than 100,000 who are severely malnourished. World Vision staff members fear that 10 percent of the children in some areas could die.
Urgent Needs in Niger as 800,000 Children Face Hunger
Updated August 3, 2005

>> Make a donation to supply food for children and families in Niger

“The situation is escalating and we aren’t even at the peak of the hungry season between harvests yet,” said Sarah Carr, a World Vision nutritionist serving in Niger, West Africa.

“Young boys are banging on my door at night begging for food,” said Carr. “That’s something I’ve never seen in Africa, even here in Niger where people are so poor.”

Drought and locust swarms destroyed most of the crops, driving the price of food out of reach for the poor.

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