Vincentian Pioneer - Armand David, CM

August 8, 2005

Armand David was a member of the Congregation of the Mission who became known for his travels in China and his discoveries there, including that of the Giant Panda.JEAN PIERRE ARMAND DAVID CM – TRAVELS IN CHINA
August 8, 2005

MARSFIELD NSW, August 9, 2005: An article by Fr Bernard Scott CM titled Père Jean Pierre Armand David CM has been posted to the Studies Pages of this site. Armand David was a French Priest and member of the Congregation of the Mission who became known for his travels in China and his discoveries there, including that of the Giant Panda.

The article, which first appeared in the September 2004 issue of Oceania Vincentian, a publication of the Australian Province of the Congregation of the Mission, can be accessed in Word Document Format through the Studies Pages of this site. . Note that the article is somewhat lengthy, and may take a few minutes to download. A map of Armand David’s journeys in China is included.

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