Official Announcement of New International Leader of SSVDP

June 27, 2005

The official site of the SSVDP provides some background on the re-election of José-Ramón Díaz-Torremocha. It also contains a picture of him in the Cathedral in Salamanca.Official Site

Dear Vincentians,

The Ordinary General Assembly of the Confederation of the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul has re-elected Mr. José-Ramón Díaz-Torremocha as International President General on 19th June 2005 Lazarists’ House with an absolute majority of the votes.

In the first ballot, representatives of 109 countries voted in person, with a further 87 postal votes received beforehand.

85 countries were represented at the Assembly and 150 participants attended along with the members of the international organisation.

The Assembly divided into 5 working groups, to discuss the 5 Year International Strategic Plan at length. The issues covered were finances, youth, training and aboriginal cultures, advice to the president, and the international structure. A document will soon be published on the website giving more details about the strategic plan.

A new era begins for our beloved Society.

In Vincentian love,

Giovanna Taoussi
International Secretariat

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