Profile and Goals of José Ramón DÍAZ-TORREMOCHA

June 22, 2005

For a review of his life and the positions he is committed to …*Born 9 November 1946 in Madrid (Spain).
*Married, 3 children.
*Joined the San Lorenzo Conference, Madrid, in 1964.
*In 1969, elected President of the Committee of the Young, Madrid, and participated
in August of this year in the International Congress of Young Vincentians in Lisbon, Portugal.
*In 1970, named Assistant Vice President of the National Council, presided over by Chico Gúzman.
*In 1973, participated as Spanish Delegate at the side of the National President at the Dublin Congress (Ireland)
which adopted the Conference Rule.
*In 1974, designated Commission member for the drafting of Part II of the Rule by the Spanish national Council.
This same year, nominated 1st Vice President of the Spanish National Council.
*At the end of 1975, put in charge of working out carefully standards for the election of the new President and
to preside during the electoral period. Relinquished these duties following the reelection of the President Chico
*In 1976, named Councillor for Economic Affairs, national Council.
*In 1978, contributed to the Spiritual Exercise sessions at the Escorial, Madrid.
*In 1980, again named national Vice President for the new national President. Relinquished these functions in
1981, once the New President, Barnuevo, was elected.
*In 1986, named Director for the Conference Study Center of Saint-Vincent de Paul.
*In 1987/1988 collaborated with the drafting of the General Plan of Revitalization, and, following approval of the
Plan, was named as being in charge of Training and, also national Treasurer until 1989 when he became
Vice President of the Madrid Council.
*In 1992, elected VIII National President of the Society in Spain.
*In 1998, re-elected by the Confrères for a second mandate as National President.
*In September 1999, elected President General of the Society’s Council General.


*** To give a priority to the implementation of all decisions taken through the International Strategic Plan to be approved during the Plenary in June 2005
*** To achieve or to realize the removal of the Head Office in Paris
*** To create the adequate international Training to be supplied to the countries which have no possibility to have one
*** To obtain the creation of the International Relationship and Training Center in Rome
*** To continue the research and to deepen in the doctrinal and spiritual essence of the Society
*** To create the frame to transcend our actual heaviness regarding the Communication (either internal or external), to match with this century environment
*** To amplify the delegation of functions, trying to give a faster response from the General Council to the everyday issues faced by the Superior or Assimilated Councils
*** To strengthen through the General Council, the relationship with the main worldwide organizations and the Holy See


*** To consolidate and to strengthen the adaptation of the whole Society to the new Rule and International Statutes approved on October 2003 in Rome.
*** To foster the role of the International Executive Committee in the daily life of the Society.
*** To open and to develop new recipes of financing for the Society, and to create the frame needed to get important international funds for specific Projects.
*** To intensify the use of modern means of Communication, in order to serve the international Society.


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