Jaime Cardinal Sin, a Vincentian Affiliate Member, dies

June 21, 2005

Rolando DelaGoza, CM, writing at the request of the Superior General of the CM, offers an appreciation of the life of a CM affiliate Cardinal Sin.
Jaime Cardinal Sin died on June 21, at the age of 76 years, in Manila, Philippines. He studied at the St. Vincent Ferrer Seminary, in Jaro, Iloilo which was run by the Vincentian Fathers for over one hundred years. After working as a missionary in his native diocese he became Archbishop of Jaro (1972), of Manila (1974) and a Cardinal in 1976.

There are 35,000 references to Jaime Cardinal Sin in “Google,” so this short article will focus on his relations with the Vincentian Family.

Jaime Cardinal Sin used to tell the story of how he wanted to become a Vincentian priest but was not allowed by his professors and his parents due to his poor health. But he never forgot his Vincentian professors and the Vincentian Family.

-He was made an affiliate member of the Congregation of the Mission.

-He established several Vincentian parishes, one of them at “Payatas” –the Parish on the top of a garbage dump.

-He offered the Manila seminary to the Vincentians but, unfortunately, we did not have the needed personnel.

-He took time to ordain many of our Priests whenever he was available despite his many commitments.

-He was a member of the Adamson University Board of Trustees (The University is run by the Vincentian Fathers of the Philippine Province).

-He was a true disciple of St.Vincent de Paul in his zeal for helping the poor and the oppressed. Although he was known as the “most powerful Cardinal in Asia,” he used his power to help the poor, especially the oppressed. His “people power” policy ousted two Filipino presidents.

-His very well known devotion to Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal was expressed in his full support for the construction of the “National Shrine of the Miraculous Medal“ in Manila, a Church which attracts thousands upon thousands of people every year.

-He promoted the various Vincentian Associations, especially the Ladies of Charity, the Society of St.Vincent de Paul and the Children of Mary.

We join the Universal Church in praying for a true Vincentian whose love for the poor was inventive to infinity.

Rolando S. DelaGoza
Rome, June 21, 2005

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