Vincent De Paul Society of Eastern USA meets at Vincentian Center (NJ)

June 17, 2005

110 Vincentians of the Society met in Princeton, at the Vincentian Renewal Center, June 10 -12, for a weekend of prayer and formation. While most of the work of the St. Vincent De Paul Society is in helping people in poverty, they also focus on evangelization.

PRINCETON — People can always make time for something they believe in, but can they always find the energy to sustain them, especially when they encounter challenges and stumbling blocks or become disheartened and discouraged?

That was one imperative question that 110 men and women serving in leadership levels of St. Vincent De Paul Societies of eight states reflected on as they participated in the annual Society of St. Vincent De Paul Eastern Regional Gathering at the Vincentian Renewal Center at St. Joseph’s Seminary June 10-12.

Using the theme — Finding the Energy Through Spirituality to Serve God’s Poor — the gathering was co-hosted by the Trenton and Metuchen Dioceses.

“In each person that we meet, we see the face of Christ,” said Marge McGinley, president of the Trenton Diocesan St. Vincent De Paul Society.

Being part of the St. Vincent DePaul Society “is more than just satisfying physical needs,” she said. “It’s also about ministering to the poor spiritually.”

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