JMV Visits India

June 14, 2005

Leaders from the JMV report on their recent visit to India and work of the various Vincentian Family groups there.s Vincentian Family, they have a common gathering every September 27 – Mass and meal. The SSVP takes care of financing a number of the programs of the DC. They also have a mobile van-clinic for going around the different villages to dispense medicines and do check-ups. The CM work in parishes of remote villages and tribes. Both the CM and DC have their Provincial Houses in Berhampur. Sr. Grace said that it would be possible for youth volunteers to work or do some service in the North Province but language could be a problem. They will welcome youth volunteers who are properly recommended because they do not want to have young people only interested in doing tourism rather than apostolate. The Vincentian Family branches present in the North Province are: DC, CM, Marian Youth Association and SSVP.

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