Man Cured by Intercession of Bl. Frederic Has Died

June 11, 2005

Fernando Benedicto Otonni, who was miraculously cured by Blessed Fredric Ozanam, died last Saturday in Rio de Janeiro, by the age of 80 years-old (he was born in July 20th, 1924)From the Brazilian “Network of Charity” site…

As a child, in the mountains in the country, Fernando, in 1926, was extraordinarily cured of a malignant diphtheria, considered irreversible and lethal for the medical team.

The first miracle for Frederic was not long in coming: February 2nd 1926, the Feast of the Purification of the Virgin Mary. A little Brazilian of eighteen months, Fernando Luis Benedito Ottoni, whose family lived in Nova Friburgo, State of Rio de Janeiro, was the beneficiary of Ozanam’s intervention. Suffering from incurable diphtheria, this child was failing fast, his parents felt completely helpless, all medicine proved ineffective.

Fernando’s grandfather, a member of the Conference of Saint Vincent de Paul of the Holy Spirit, at Rio de Janeiro, asked his friends to pray for the cure of his dying grandson. They implored the intercession of Frederic Ozanam. The very next morning, the child’s illness began to subside. The family was overcome with joy as their boy’s health started to improve so rapidly. A detailed dossier, which included doctors’ reports, as well as meticulous accounts of eyewitnesses, was carefully compiled and then submitted to the Congregation for the Causes of Saints in Rome.

After a long period of waiting, a new impetus in the beginning of 1980 spurred on the procedure of the beatification. The presentation of the “Desquisitio” and “Positio”, elaborated at great length, successfully passed the necessary steps of the Roman Commissions of Historians, Theologians and Cardinals. On July 6th 1993, Pope John Paul II, proclaimed Frederic Ozanam “Venerable” and on June 25th 1996, he signed the degree recognizing the miracle obtained in favour of Fernando Ottoni, thus opening the process of beatification. Source: Network of Charity Agency News (

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