Missioners in Their Twilight Years

June 4, 2005

MARSFIELD, June 2, 2005: An article titled Missioners in the Twilight Years by Fr Hugh Murray CM (Australia) is now available online. The article was originally published in Oceania Vincentian, Vol 5, September 2004 (Oceania Vincentian is a publication of the Australian Province of the Congregation of the Mission).

“During Lent in 2004, Laurie McNamara CM, wearing his hat as Director of Provincial Formation, led the Oldies at Marsfield in some revelations.

The revelations were ours, not his. All his skill was involved in helping us do this in such a way that we resiled from the ever-present Vin temptation merely to reflect what we had read or heard, so that little of who we were was revealed.

It was refraction, not reflection that we hoped for. Each one of us had fifty or more years of being us, of absorbing what it meant to be a Vincentian, of a lifetime metanoia. All of us, obviously, had stayed to absorb. All of us were alive enough, if not lambent enough, to refract the life we had caught. Could the scintillas of our experience be caught as pixels for the picture of what we had become.”

Fr Murray’s article can be accessed through the Studies Pages of the Australian CM site.

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