The Tsunami and the Vincentian Family

May 4, 2005

On April 22, the St. Vincent de Paul Society (SSVP) organized a get-together in Salamanca, with representatives of AIC, Daughters of Charity and the Congregation of the Mission, to exchange points of view towards an effective collaboration in favor of the victims of the tsunami.Besides the members of the Permanent Session of the SSVP, also present were repre-sentatives of the Society from the four countries most affected: Mr. Lucian Samara-wickrama, National President of Sri Lanka, Mr. Joseph Pandian, National President of India, Mr. Peter Suraphol Seravinim, National President of Thailand and Basukisworo Du, Representative of the National Council of Indonesia and those in charge of the area: Mr. Valentine Gonsalves, from Pakistan and Mr. Thomas Tan, from Singapore, Coordi-nators of the Asia 1 & 2 Groups respectively, and Mr. Hohn Lee, Territorial Vice-President for Asia and Oceania.

The meeting was presided over by Mr. Michael Thio, Delegate Vice-President for the Structure and coordinator of the campaign of the tsunami, who told us that there are actually more than 1, 6000, 000 people homeless because of the tsunami and that they represent the “new poor” because they have lost all their material goods and loved ones. According to statistics given by the United Nations, it is estimated that there are 179, 849 people dead, 101, 279 unaccounted for, and 1, 636, 978 homeless.

The representatives of the affected countries gave their presentations, which included a resume of the catastrophe (needs); identification, objectives, means and projects begun. There was time for questions & answers.

The General International Council (CGI) of the SSVP will distributes 410, 000 euros from the Disaster Fund for Asia to the countries to begin some projects that they presented. To India, 160,000 euros will be sent for primary and secondary education and the adoption of 200 children with an eye on their education. To Indonesia, 90,000 euros will be sent to help with basic needs of food, clothing, medicine and medical care, and scholarships. To Sri Lanka, 100,000 euros have been assigned for short-term and mid-range plans to construct houses, boats and aid. To Thailand, it was decided to send 60,000 euros for mid-range plans to help families, equip fishing boats, scholarships, medical attention, etc.

It was recommended that the Vincentian Family in the areas most affected by the tsunami come together for a more effective, real and concrete collaboration which responds to the needs of each place.

“Continue with this good work and may the Lord bless abundantly you and your families for serving with such fidelity Christ in the poor. We continue praying for the victims of the tsunami that the Lord look upon them with love and compassion and free them from the chains of pain and suffering. Let us put our trust in the Lord!

Michael Thio to the National Presidents of the affected countries.


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