Social Justice Legacy of John Paul II

May 1, 2005

The Education for Justice web site is featuring a series of resources celebrating the social justice legacy of Pope John Paul II>April 2, 2005 –
With all Catholics, with all people of faith, and with the entire human community around the world, we mourn the death and celebrate the life and ministry of Pope John Paul II.

Pope John Paul II was passionately committed to Catholic Social Teaching and social justice and peace. Through his words and actions, he promoted global solidarity among all peoples and nations, he constantly called attention to the human dignity and the human rights of every individual, and he challenged unjust structures and systems that undermined the common good. He left us a great legacy, a vision of a world where love and compassion are greater than greed and violence. We honor him best by responding to his challenge to “love our neighbors in the global village” through recommitting ourselves, our energy, intelligence and creativity to working for social justice and peace.

In addition to the postings below, the Education for Justice Web Site will be posting a range of prayers and materials in the next weeks related to Pope John Paul II and his social justice teachings.

The current offerings include

Prayer of Thanksgiving for Pope John Paul II

Pope John Paul II: Nearly 27 Years of Promoting Global Solidarity and Global Justice

The Eucharist and Solidarity: Reflections from Pope John Paul II

Prayer for Peace from Pope John Paul II

Summary of World Day of Peace Message, January 1, 2005

Summary of Centesimus Anus (One Hundred Years), 1991

Summary of Sollicitudo Rei Socialis (The Social Concerns of the Church), 1987

Summary of Laborem Exercens (On Human Work), 1981

Education for Justice

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