
April 12, 2005

Vincentian Millenium Partnership in Great Britan joins in campaign to raise the issue of poverty caused by low benefits.Throughout the country, claimants and anti-poverty groups are being encouraged to join a co-ordinated campaign to raise the issue of the poverty caused by low benefits.

Campaigners will be handing out peanuts outside Job Centre Plus Offices to benefit claimants on Benefits Uprating Day, Wednesday April 6th. They intend to highlight the disgraceful treatment of some of the poorest people in our rich society.

Millions of claimants are facing benefit increases of as little as 50p per week from April 2005, the smallest rise for at least 30 years. For example a single person on Job Seekers Allowance, over 25 years old, will receive 55p increase giving a total of £56.20 per week.

Peanuts4B enefits


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