JMV - With a Lay Spirituality, We Share the Mission: Challenges

April 6, 2005

As young Christians, catechists, animators and leaders of the Association, we are called to be “doors,” to be instruments of light in the world so that others can move out of darkness, fears and worries and see the Risen Lord who walks together with us, taking our realities and sharing our projects:

◦ Are we open doors so that others can encounter the God of Life through our words and gestures of service?

◦ Are our words and ordinary tasks helping others to open their own doors and encounter the God of Life?

◦ Is Easter for you a special time open to faith wherein which we can experience the living God?

◦ How many doors to the Risen One shall we open?

The Risen Lord is present among us and asks us, “Why look among the dead for someone who is alive? He is not here, he has risen.” (Lk. 24: 5). Help us to move the stone that hinders us from discovering him who is alive.

JMV March Bulletin

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