Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church

March 6, 2005

“The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church is a must-have resource for leaders of social ministry at the diocesan and parish level as well as those in religious education, school, and youth and young adult ministry.” From the USCC National Conference of Catholic Bishops Web site.The Church has a timeless, long-standing body of social doctrine that is known, lived, and shared by Catholics in many faith-filled ways.

The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church, a unique, unprecedented document in the history of the Church, serves as a tool to inspire and guide the faithful who are faced with moral and pastoral challenges daily.

The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church is divided into five sections, an introduction, three parts, and a conclusion entitled For a Civilization of Love.

The first part deals with the fundamental presuppositions of social doctrine—God’s plan of love for humanity and society, the Church’s mission and the nature of social doctrine, the human person and human rights, and the principles and values of social doctrine. The second part deals with the contents and classical themes of social doctrine— the family, human work, economic life, the political community, the international community, the environment and peace. The third part contains a series of recommendations for the use of social doctrine in the pastoral activity of the Church and in the life of Christians, above all, the laity.

No. 5-692, 528 pp., $24.95
Resource Member Price $17.97

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