SVDP in Action Relieving Tsunami Victims - Palm Beach Post

February 15, 2005

The Palm Beach Post (Florida, USA) has a very moving tribute to the work of the SVDP in Tsanami relief efforts.”Although the money will go to people of all faiths, she will funnel the money through the St. Vincent de Paul Society, the traditional Catholic relief agency in these parts.

The Rev. Clement Annadas, a white-robed priest who heads that organization locally, says the money will be needed, especially to help students.

“We aren’t sure what all the needs will be in the long run,” says Annadas. “For the moment, international relief agencies are looking to the question of food and of rebuilding homes, but we don’t think the schools will get what they need.”

Full story in Palm Beach Post

See especially the first graphic (Fr. Annandas) on the left of this page.

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