February 2 - Newsletter of International JMV

February 3, 2005

“Today, the feast of the “Presentation of the Jesus,” reminds me of three virtues; that of humility, simplicity and obedience, all of which our Blessed Mother exemplifies with an A-1 class.”February 2, 2005


Dear friends in the JMV and the Vincentian Family,


May the grace of the Lord be with you always!


Today, the feast of the “Presentation of the Jesus,” reminds me three virtues; that of humility, simplicity and obedience, all of which our Blessed Mother exemplifies with an A-1 class. Poor as they were she and St. Joseph complied the law by giving a humble offering of a pair of turtle doves when they presented Jesus at the temple. This is indeed an example that we ought to emulate. Let us remember that not one of us is so poor as not to be able to place a simple gift at the Lord’s altar… and the best gift we can give is the gift of ourselves.


Attached is the January issue of the JMV International News Bulletin. Please be reminded that our AG 2005 (Paris) and the WYD (Cologne) are fast approaching. The 3rd circulars containing more information for the two encounters have been sent. All those who are interested to join are requested to contact the national council of his respective country.  You may also check our website for more details. 


Let us unite our prayers, asking our Blessed Mother’s intercession, so that the offering of ourselves may become worthy in the eyes of God! Happy Heart’s Day too!


Your sister in St. Vincent,


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