SSVDP Responses to Tsunami

December 29, 2004

SSVDP sends $50,000 to aid in relief efforts; news of othe Family efforts…. CANBERRA, December 28, 2004 (   John Meahan,  President of the National Council of the St Vincent de Paul Society  (Australia), has issued the following statement – “The St Vincent de Paul Society is supporting all relief activities for those in need following the devastating earthquake and the following tsunami in South East Asia. 

The Society is not conducting an appeal but will forward all donations received to Caritas Australia for distribution through their network within the region.”

Your donation can be made through our website or by phone 13 18 12. You should note your donation as being for the South East Asian Earthquake, or preferably you can donate direct to Caratis at

John Meahan President National Council St Vincent de Paul Society

From the USA SVDP site…

The National Council of the SSVDP in USA has sent $50,000.

“In light of the recent terrible disaster in Asia, the National Council is awaiting word from the International Council in Paris as to how to proceed with distribution of disaster funds.

From the International President of the SVDP…

“The tragic earthquake in Asia

Dear Brothers,

The General Council of the Confederation of the St Vincent de Paul Society is
deeply moved by the tragic earthquake that has stroken suddenly the Southern
East of Asia. We remind all the Vincentians throughout the world that the
General Council always keeps open a specific account for desasters to gather
all funds dedicated to alleviate the suffering of the victims of such tragic

The General President asks all brothers to join him in prayers sharing the pain
of those families who have lost a beloved parent.

God bless you all. Fraternally.

Visit the International SVDP site for the latest.


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