JMV International Newsletter - November 2004

December 4, 2004

The JMV has released it November Newsletter. A usual it includes a message fro Sr. Asun Garcia, DC and the roundup of activities in various countries of the world.JMV November Newsletter (English)

One of the tasks that was entrusted to St. Catherine Laboure was to found an Association for the young people that will have the love of Mary as one of its objectives. Through it they will know the Message of the Gospel of Her Son, in order to become evangelizers among the young people themselves.

This was how the VINCENTIAN MARIAN YOUTH came into being. It is a youth association with a great ecclesial and missionary sensitivity, which lives its faith from the practice of evangelical and Vincentian values. In the Church, it dynamically considers the role of Mary in the Salvation History. It is an association that has taken the torch of St. Catherine Laboure and intends to extend throughout the world not only the love for Mary, but the message of the Miraculous Medal as well.

During its 174 years of existence, the Miraculous Medal has been known by millions of persons who have received abundant graces.

To wear the Miraculous Medal means:
– To proclaim that Mary is with us and we with her, wherever she wants us to go or stay.
– To be bearers of a Vocation that consists of listening and following the words of her Son; “Do whatever He tells you.”
– That this message of salvation must guide our Christian commitment in the Association and in the Church.
– To be aware that in the symbols of the Medal, the truths of our faith are found: Christ, Son of God and Mary, His Mother, act as mediatrix in the redemption. And that the Church, symbolized by the seven stars, is the place of salvation where the mystery of Redemption is made real.

What Mary asks from all the members of the Association is, for us to be guardians of this Message; that we meditate and put into practice the Word of Her Son. We are also asked to become witnesses through our words and actions by supporting the Work of the Father, so we may become bearers of the values of the Kingdom through an unwavering simplicity of faith.

As an Apostolic group with Pontifical Approbation since 1847, we are a dynamic Association in the Church. So, from this point, our missionary commitment is: We are apostles of Evangelization following the footsteps of St. Vincent de Paul and St. Louise de Marillac.

Mary told us with her Message and the Medal that God loves us and calls us to happiness. She invites us to dream a “newly-different” world based on love and justice. It is a call to hope, because oftentimes it is absent in our world. God is always present in our history and He is continually saving us. Mary is constantly showing us how to be faithful to Christ. She is our model and we are all invited not to fall into the risk of living an “ideal-less and challenge-less” life.

Newsletter in Word Format

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