A Letter from a Member of the AIC in Ukraine

December 4, 2004

A moving letter from a member of the AIC in Ukraine describing the danger to democracy there..Dear friends and colleges!

I have never written a letter to so many people in the same time. What makes me to do this is that DEMOCRACY IN UKRAINE IS IN BIG DANGER!!! Our corrupted president Kuchma and ex-criminal premiere-minister Yanukovich with support of Russian president Putin have falsificated the results of presidential elections!

The amount of falsifications is incredible: they gave to Yanucovich up to 15% of untrue votes in order to make him win!!! And even before the elections whole company was so unfair: all national governmental mass-media worked under severe censure, there was strong pressure on workers, students – they were pushed under fear of loosing their jobs and risk of being expelled from universities to give their votes for Yanukovich. All known governmental institutions (police, army, tax-inspection etc) were involved in presidential campaign of Yanukovich.

I personally had a feeling that I live again in a communist time: all TV channels
translating same news, “people from opposition are bandits” , “how good is life in Ukraine with premiere Yanukovich” etc. And this not all bad news: although all inspectors from international countries and from opposition declared numerous falsifications yesterday counting election commission declared that Yanucovich won elections and now has to be inaugurated! Is this possible?!!! All free people in Ukraine are indignant!!! AND WE WILL NOT TOLERATE THIS AND GIVE TO THIS BANDITS OUR FREEDOM!!! AND WE WILL FIGHT FOR OUR FREEDOM TILL THE VERY END!!! Never before people from Ukraine have been so united and so enlightened! You have seen probably form news hundreds thousands of people at meetings of protest all over Ukraine – and they are all united by desire of truth and freedom.

The atmosphere of
meetings is one of love, friendship and unity. This is really non-violent revolution. But you know what does our government – they invite to Kiev more and more military troops (and there is some information that they also asked Russia for military support!). But we are not afraid, we understand: if we shall not fight for our freedom now – we can loose it for many years. And we are sure — we shall win!

So I write you this letter in order to ask for your prayers and your international support:
we need it so much in order to know that we are not alone, in order to make our government to recognize falsifications. I express my deep gratitude for all of you who have phoned me or written e-mail. Thank you. If our supreme court will not recognize results of elections untrue today or tomorrow — I leave my work and my family and my city and go to Kiev in order to stay there with all Ukrainians till the very end — our Victory. So excuse me if I shall not be answering your e-mails and stopped my participation in all our common projects.
I send you all my love and friendship,
yours sincerely,

Nme withhelp at the request of the sender.

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