JMV International Newsletter

November 5, 2004

Pamela B. Mantuhac of the JMV International Secretariat sends a message of hope in conjunction with the October newsletter and the coming feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal.November 4, 2004�



Dear friends in the JMV and the Vincentian Family,



May the peace of the Lord be with you always!


Please allow me to share with you�a few�lines about the virtue of hope.



HOPE is not the closing of your eyes
� �to the difficulty, the risk,

� �or the failure.


It is a trust that–
��� if I fail now—
��� I shall not fail forever;
��� and if I am hurt,

� ������I shall be healed.

It is a trust
���that life is good,

���love is powerful,
���and the future is full of promise.


As we look forward to the celebration of the feast of Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal and of St. Catherine this month, let us�reflect on the three messages�our�Mother Mary�has revealed to St. Catherine— that of faith, hope and love.�I wish to underscore the virtue of hope because I believe this is the manifestation of the love and faith we have in the Lord. Whatever trials we are experiencing now, personal or otherwise, let us not forget that God is close at hand. He is with us�all the time.�Remember, even in the�stormiest day,�the sun is�just�behind those thick curtain of clouds and pellets of rain… and it is sure to come out when the storm is over.�Simply believe and never lose hope.


I am sending you a copy of the JMV News Bulletin for the month of October. Please feel free to let us know about your comments and/ or suggestions so we may improve our future issues. Then, for more information, please don’t hesitate to visit our website.��Also, may I remind the members of the different national councils to keep us updated of your plans and activities. It would be a great pleasure for me to communicate with you.


Please take care. Let us face the future with much optimism, so that together, we may be able to fulfill the mission entrusted to each one of us and become LIFE in the lives of others.�



Truly yours in St. Vincent,



Pamela B. Mantuhac /
JMV International Secretariat Volunteer

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