Silencing the Issue of Poverty in Australia

October 5, 2004

MELBOURNE, September 30, 2004 ( Jesuit Social Services has issued the following media release – Church based charities will not be silenced on the issue of poverty in Australia, despite the complaint made to the Australian Electoral Commission by the New South Wales Branch of the Liberal Party about a poster distributed by the Vote 1 – No More Poverty campaign. Jesuit Social Services Policy Director, Father Peter Norden, reported that the eight church based organizations involved in the campaign were directed by the Australian Electoral Commission to withdraw a poster that contained facts about poverty in Australia. “While we would never intend to be in breach of the electoral act, we will not be intimated to stop speaking out about the needs of the poor and the marginalised in Australian society” Father Norden said.   READ FURTHER

Found by Tim Williams, CM of


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