SJU Confers Honorary Degree on Vatican Secretary of State

September 22, 2004

Fr. Harrington cited the Cardinal’s long-standing support for St. John’s University’s Graduate Center in Rome, Italy. Fr. Harrington added that St. John’s rents its Rome facility from the Vatican. “In a sense,” he said, smiling, “we are a tenant of His Eminence.”
The award was given to him prior to his receiving the “Path to Peace Award” at the UN.

The honor given to Cardinal Sodano highlights the Holy See’s constant commitment to peace and to dialogue among peoples.

The award, conferred annually, honors individuals who work for peace in the international realm. The award is conferred by the foundation of the same name, created by the Holy See’s mission to the United Nations.

The honor given to Cardinal Sodano highlights the Holy See’s constant commitment to peace and to dialogue among peoples.

Permanent observer to the United Nations and president of the foundation, conferred the award Monday. He recalled Cardinal Sodano’s work in critical moments, such as the fall of the Berlin Wall, the key U.N. conferences of the 1990s — when he defended the centrality of human dignity — and the current conflicts lacerating the world.


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