Silencing of Dissent by the Federal Goverment (Australia)

June 4, 2004

SYDNEY, June 2, 2004:( Ninety per cent of charitable and community organisations in Australia believe the Federal Government is determined to gag their right to free speech, according to a leading public interest think tank.  The finding was made in a survey conducted by The Australia Institute for a study of nongovernment organisations and Australian democracy. The report, titled Silencing Dissent, has been written by Sarah Maddison, Richard Denniss and Clive Hamilton. Releasing the study today, Institute Executive Director Dr Clive Hamilton said: “Responses from the 290 organisations which took part in the survey indicate that community groups reliant on government funding are experiencing unprecedented levels of intimidation, particularly from the Howard Government. The message is strong and clear – don’t bite the hand that feeds you.” 

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