Final Document from JMV Asian Encounter

April 28, 2004

The participants of the Asian Meeting of National Leaders of the Vincentian Marian Youth produced a document summarizing their convictions, challenges and commitments.

They have also sent a more complete chronicle of the meeting. Both documents are available in Word format for download.

Click on the appropriate link to begin the download.

Final document

Official Chronicle



Asia is a continent of teeming millions. Two-thirds of the world’s population live here, and 60% of Asians are below 21 years of age. Most of the world’s religions come from Asia. Therefore, the Church recognizes the need for dialogue in the different aspects of life.

We, the participants of the First Asian Encounter of JMV National Councils held at the Our Lady of the Miraculous Medal National Shrine Parish, Muntinlupa City, Metro Manila (Philippines) on April 24-27, 2004, representing India, Indonesia, Japan, Taiwan, Vietnam and the Philippines have arrived at the following


1. Young people are the future of the Church and of society hence the importance of integral formation.
2. Our inherent mysticism must lead to active involvement for social transformation as our specific and relevant contribution to society.
3. JMV offers a wholistic development to the youth through their concrete involvement in the Association which will enable them to experience the love of God.
4. Faced with the reality of cultural diversity and religious pluralism in Asia, it is essential that we strengthen our witnessing to our Marian-Vincentian identity.
5. At this stage of development of JMV among Asian countries, it is our desire to foster greater cooperation and collaboration.


1. Formation of advisors and leaders and updated ongoing formation of the members.
2. Deepening of spirituality that leads to collaboration and service to the poor.
3. Strengthening of communication within the Association in all levels.
4. Entering into effective inter-religious dialogue.


1. Review, formulate and implement relevant formation programs for members, leaders and advisors.
2. Maximize the use of multimedia communication and promote the frequent use of the website.
3. Encourage the spirit of volunteerism among members through active involvement in the common Vincentian Family projects, national or international.

With Christ, be Life in the lives of others.

Visit the English section of their web site at


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