''Project Vincent'' - July 8-11

April 26, 2004

Ron Hoye, CM has jsut sent word about Project Vincent — an exciting faith opportunity for
young adults this summer!

Geared for 20-35 year olds, Project Vincent is an opportunity for young
people to gather together in the Vincentian spirit to learn about and be
energized in their faith.

http://www.projectvincent.org is being hosted at DePaul University in Chicago on July 8-10, 2004.

Sponsored by the CMs [midwest], DCs [east, west central] and DePaul [mission
and values office], Project Vincent promises to be an exciting three days of
service, prayer and both learning and social activities in the spirit of our
patron, St. Vincent de Paul.

Spread the word! Open to all young people who want to be on fire with the
Lord and experience the community of others who share the Vincentian


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