CM NGO Representative at the UN Draws Attention to Children's Needs

April 19, 2004

Fr. Joe Foley, CM, representing the Congregation of the Mission at its NGO office at the UN, draws attention to the plight of children and HIV-AIDS.

Greetings Everyone,
As I’ve been talking with people around the UN about one of our current projects, Children and HIV-AIDS, I am heartened by the number of people who said to me, “I’d be willing to ask my network to participate.” The task is filling out a simple survey to determine what should be the advocacy priorities relative to children and HIV/AIDS. We have come to see that, in the end, the needs of children are always the ones that fall through the cracks. Our goal is to bring more attention and funding to the needs of children.

I’m sending this survey to you in case one or more of you would like to use it. (It’s not important to be connected with UICEF in any way.) There is plenty of useful AIDS information on  (click on FOCUS button). If you can’t look at one more email, no harm done.

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